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Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride

Molecular formula: AHF           UN NO: 1052
Used in the production of fluoride salts, fluoroplastics, fluoro-rubber, fluoro-medicine, and in the agricultural pesticides industry.
Packaging: 330kg or 660kg steel cylinder; 15-20MT ISO tank.
Note: Our company which can produce 131,000 MT of AHF per year.
Physical Properties:

Molecular Weight 20.01 Appearance Colorless, Clear
Boiling Point, ℃ 19.5 Odor Pungent, Caustic

Quality Standards (GB7746-2011):

Index Special-Grade Excellent-Grade 1st-Grade Qualified Product
HF, % ≥99.98 ≥99.96 ≥99.92 ≥99.80
H2O, % ≤0.005 ≤0.02 ≤0.04 ≤0.06
SO2,% ≤0.005 ≤0.008 ≤0.015 ≤0.050
H2SO4,% ≤0.003 ≤0.005 ≤0.010 ≤0.030
H2SiF6,% ≤0.005 ≤0.005 ≤0.010 ≤0.050

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